Breaking News: Newfoundland Growlers releases schedule for the week

On Saturday night at DCU Center, the Worcester Railers were defeated 9-3 by the Newfoundland Growlers.


After eight minutes, Grant Cruikshank scored the first goal, and ten seconds later, Brendan Robbins answered for Worcester. After 25 seconds, Isaac Johnson gave the Growlers their lead back, making it 2-1. However, late in the first, Connor Welsh gave Worcester another equalizer, making the score 2-2 after 20 minutes.


Marko Sikic and Neil Shea scored for Newfoundland inside two minutes of the middle frame to make it 4-2. After Jake Pivonka replied quick for the Railers, the Growlers rattled off three straight to close out the second period as Johnson and Shea snagged their second of the night while Mathieu Gosselin got a single to make it 7-3 into the second intermission.


Within two minutes of the middle stanza, Newfoundland’s goals from Marko Sikic and Neil Shea made the score 4-2. Jake Pivonka quickly responded for the Railers, but the Growlers ended the second inning on a high note, scoring three runs in a row. Johnson and Shea scored their second of the game, and Mathieu Gosselin singled to bring the score 7-3 going into the second half.





Early in the third, Tyler Weiss cut the lead to 8-3, but in the closing seconds, Johnson finished his hat-trick to make the score 9-3.





Fast Hits





For the season, Isaac Johnson scored his fourth hat-trick.


Cruikshank, Grant, has ten SOG.


Next weekend, Trois-Rivières is hosted by Newfoundland.


Three Points





1. NFL – I. Johnson


2. T. Weiss of the NFL


3. J. Spagnoli’s WOR

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