JUST IN: Patrick Mahomes former Chiefs teammate arrested again and faces serious charges for..

Patrick Mahomes former Chiefs teammate arrested again and faces serious charges


Bashaud Breeland won a Super Bowl with the Chiefs

Breeland has a history of trouble with the law

Former NFL cornerback Bashaud Breeland finds himself in hot water yet again following a recent arrest in Mecklenburg County. The 32-year-old athlete was apprehended on Saturday, embroiled in a series of alarming allegations including drug possession, resisting arrest, and altercations with Charlotte authorities.

Breeland, who boasts an eight-year tenure in the NFL, came under the radar of Charlotte-Mecklenburg authorities in response to a drug-related call.

Upon arrival at the scene, officers discovered Breeland in possession of bags containing mushrooms, containers of marijuana, opioid pain relievers, and bottles of sedatives. Additionally, firearms were uncovered, intensifying the gravity of the situation.

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The former cornerback now faces a slew of charges, including felony drug offenses, two misdemeanor counts of assaulting a government official, and two misdemeanors related to property damage.

This isn’t Breeland‘s first brush with the law. Just last year, in August 2023, he was arrested in Mecklenburg County on similar charges. That incident involved the possession of firearms-two AR-15s and two AK47s-along with sizable quantities of marijuana and mushrooms. Notably, the vehicle Breeland was driving at the time was reported stolen.

This isn’t Breeland’s first encounter with the law

Patrick Mahomes
Patrick Mahomes

Breeland’s troubled history extends further back. In 2020, he was arrested for marijuana possession, marking the beginning of a downward spiral for the once-promising NFL talent.

Drafted by the Washington Redskins in the fourth round of the 2014 NFL Draft, Breeland’s career trajectory has been marred by off-field controversies. His last stint in the NFL was with the Minnesota Vikings in 2021, following a brief tenure with the Super Bowl-winning Kansas City Chiefs in 2020.

Breeland’s recurrent entanglements with the law raise questions not only about his personal conduct but also about the effectiveness of support systems within professional sports leagues.

As the legal proceedings unfold, the spotlight remains firmly fixed on the troubled journey of a once-celebrated athlete now grappling with the consequences of his actions.


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