SAD NEWS: Everton Key player just sustained a horrible injury during training and could

In a recent interview with Uruguayan radio Sport 890, agent Mauricio Machado claimed that Everton are showing interest in his client, FC Midtjylland’s Emiliano Martinez. Machado said,

“Emiliano is doing very well today. He is playing. Thanks to his last few games he has been reserved for the Copa America. In June he’s leaving Denmark. We have teams interested in the Premier League and in Spain.

“Everton of England were interested in Emiliano Martinez some time ago and now they are interested again. It could be a good option for the middle of the year. Let’s analyse it.”

The 24-year-old has missed a lot of game time this season due to a serious muscle injury. However, he has managed to put in a few solid performances at the heart of Midtjylland’s midfield.

Martinez has made 51 senior appearances for the Danish outfit thus far, scoring one goal in various competitions. He has caught the eye at times but needs to find a way to be more consistent on the field.

His current deal at Midtjylland will run out in the summer of 2027 which could make it difficult for Everton to get a deal done for him on the cheap later this year.

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