Sad News A:Jannik Sinner The players is angry to deny the pregnant because to….

It seems like your message is a bit unclear or may have been garbled in transmission. From what I understand, it seems you’re referring to a news story about Jannik Sinner, possibly involving some controversy or anger related to a pregnant person being denied something. However, the details are quite sparse, so I’ll try to interpret and provide a response based on a common scenario involving sports personalities and controversy.

If we assume the news is about Jannik Sinner, a professional tennis player, and there’s mention of anger or controversy related to pregnancy denial, it might pertain to a situation where someone associated with him, perhaps a partner or family member, was denied access or privileges related to pregnancy support, such as access to certain facilities or services at an event or venue.

In such cases, reactions can vary widely. Players and their associates may feel justified in expressing frustration or anger if they perceive the denial to be unfair or discriminatory. Issues related to pregnancy and support for partners are sensitive and can spark strong emotions, especially if there’s a perceived lack of understanding or accommodation from organizers or authorities.

However, without specific details, it’s challenging to provide a precise response. If you have more context or details, I can better address the situation.

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