She is my missing rib: A Love That Completes Me: Mathieu van der Pole’s Tribute to Roxanne Bertels…..Read More

 A Love That Completes Me: Mathieu van der Pole’s Tribute to Roxanne Bertels

Dearest Roxanne,

In the quiet moments of reflection, I find myself overwhelmed by the realization of how profoundly you’ve impacted my life. When I think of you, I am reminded of the missing piece I never knew I was searching for—until you came into my world. You are not merely my wife but the very heart and soul of my existence.

Life before you felt incomplete, like a puzzle with a piece lost forever. I wandered through days and nights, unaware that the void within me was meant to be filled by someone as extraordinary as you. You’ve brought a sense of wholeness and joy that I never imagined possible. Your presence has transformed my world, and your love has become the cornerstone upon which my happiness is built.

Every time you smile, it’s as though the entire universe aligns to bask in the glow of that beautiful expression. Your smile is not just a physical act; it is a beacon of warmth and light that dispels the shadows of doubt and despair. It has the power to uplift my spirits, no matter how challenging the day may be. The simple curve of your lips has the magical ability to make everything seem right in my world, and for that, I am endlessly grateful.

As we journey through life together, I pray that God continues to bless you with a heart as generous and kind as it is. Your kindness is a reflection of your inner beauty, and it radiates in everything you do. You have a way of touching the lives of those around you, and I am fortunate to witness this grace every day. Your love is a gift that I treasure beyond words.

Our shared moments, whether they are filled with laughter or silence, have become the highlights of my existence. The bond we share is not just a partnership but a sacred connection that I cherish with all my heart. You have shown me what it means to truly love and be loved, and this experience is a blessing I never take for granted.

In every challenge we face, your unwavering support and compassion are my guiding lights. You are my confidante, my partner, and my greatest source of strength. Your faith in us and in our future together inspires me to be the best version of myself. I am continually amazed by your resilience and your ability to find joy in the simple things.

I want you to know that you are my heart’s truest desire and my greatest blessing. The depth of my love for you is immeasurable, and it only grows stronger with each passing day. Your presence in my life is a testament to the beautiful serendipity of our union. You are everything I could have hoped for and more.

So, dear Roxanne, I promise to cherish you, to love you with all that I am, and to hold dear every moment we share. You have made my world a place of profound joy and contentment, and I am forever thankful for the gift of your love. May we continue to build a life filled with happiness, and may our love remain a beacon of light for all the days to come.

With all my love,


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